Karakun @ EclipseCon 2020
Die EclipseCon ist die wichtigste Konferenz für Entwickler, Architekten und Open Source Enthusiasten, um alles über die neuesten Eclipse Technologien zu erfahren, Best Practices zu teilen, uvm. Dieses Jahr wird die Konferenz aufgrund der aktuellen COVID-19 Situation als reine Online-Veranstaltung durchgeführt.
Umso mehr freut es uns, dass wir drei hochkarätige Talks zum Programm beisteuern dürfen:
AdoptOpenJDK - Making Java free again (Hendrik Ebbers & George Adams)
AdoptOpenJDK is rapidly becoming a leading provider of OpenJDK™ binaries. With over 140 million downloads in the last year, it is now a serious contender for your production usage of Java™. AdoptOpenJDK provides prebuilt OpenJDK™ binaries from a fully open source set of build scripts and infrastructure. This talk will cover how we build on over 15 different platforms, execute over 87 million tests and distribute OpenJDK™ binaries to millions of users. We will also cover how AdoptOpenJDK binaries compare against the Java™ binaries that you use today. If you’re curious to understand the difference between OpenJDK™, Oracle Java™, AdoptOpenJDK and all the other distributions, then this is the talk for you!
What’s New in the Eclipse Platform Project (Karsten Thoms)
This session takes a look back on the past year and 4 releases of the Eclipse Platform. I will give some insights on the work being done on the platform projects. Besides demonstrating some added features I will take a look behind the scenes:
- Who is currently involved in the development of the Platform
- How active is the user and contributor community involved?
- Which improvements have been made in regards to performance and usability?
Since the Eclipse IDE 2020-09 is requiring Java 11 the first time as runtime environment I will show where this has been leveraged during the current release development and how this can be expected to evolve.
This session will give an update on the work the committers and contributors of the Eclipse Platform Project has achieved since last year’s EclipseCon. Besides visible new features and improvements a look in the project’s work on evolution of the core frameworks and community is presented.
A comparative review of microservice frameworks (Karsten Thoms & Hendrik Ebbers)
In this session we will compare some of the most popular Microservice frameworks in the Java ecosystem like SpringBoot, Quarkus, Eclipse MicroProfile, and more. We will give an overview and jumpstart for each framework. Next to this we will answer questions like:
- Which features do provide all of them, what are their unique selling points?
- How do I start writing microservices with the different frameworks?
- Which technology stack do the different frameworks use?
- How do they perform in regards to startup time, and responding with different response sizes
- How large are the resulting application containers in Docker?
Die Veranstaltung ist kostenlos, eine Registrierung ist jedoch zur Teilnahme notwendig. Bitte melden Sie sich unter https://www.eclipsecon.org/2020/registration zur EclipseCon 2020 an.
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