Karakun @ Oracle Code One 2019
In weniger als einem Monat ist es wieder soweit: die Java-Welt trifft sich vom 16.-19. September auf der Oracle Code One zum Netzwerken, Diskutieren, Lernen und Experimentieren. Auch wenn sich die Konferenz für unterschiedliche Sprachen und Technologien geöffnet hat – Java und sein Ecosystem ist und bleibt ein grosses Thema.
Wir von Karakun freuen uns, mit folgenden Talks vertreten zu sein:
Beauty and the Beast: Java Versus TypeScript
Once upon a time, there was a poor, innocent language. It was friendly and kind. Everything could have been nice and peaceful, but there was another language that was grumpy and mean. One day they met and started to argue about who the better language was…. This session compares the Java language with TypeScript. It discusses how common problems are solved with these languages, and the audience will have a chance to vote. At the end, you’ll see who is the beauty and who is the beast.
Speaker: Hendrik Ebbers, Michael Heinrichs
Not Dead Yet: Java on the Desktop
Interestingly, a lot of people say Java on the desktop is dead, and, yes, it is not in the hyped zone anymore. But on the other hand, it is still widely used. This session gives an overview of Java on the desktop and why it is not dead yet. It gives examples of scenarios where Java on the desktop really shines and others where it would be better to choose a web application. It also shows the state of JavaFX, with all of its various flavors, such as standard JavaFX on the desktop, on embedded, on mobile with Gluon, and on the web with JPro. And, of course, it includes demos of those different scenarios.
Speaker: Gerrit Grunwald
Productivity Beyond Failure
We all have heard Fail fast! Embrace failure! Celebrate failure! but a key element is missing: The celebration should be focused on the learning that comes from failure, not celebrating the failure itself. This session explores what has been missing when we try to implement a simple recipe for a creative and performant team: tolerance for failure, willingness to experiment, psychological safety, and a highly collaborative environment.
Speaker: Ixchel Ruiz
JavaFX Real-World Applications
Not sure if you want to make the switch to JavaFX for your desktop applications? This session is intended to convince you that JavaFX is ready for prime time. It shows how JavaFX has been successfully deployed as part of many large and small business-critical applications. It presents a dozen applications from various domains: planning and scheduling solutions, operating room control software, fitness trackers, and more.
Speaker: Gerrit Grunwald, Dirk Lemmermann
Team Diversity the Successful Way
Innovations such as artificial intelligence, automated systems, and the cloud are transforming the IT world. It is known that diverse teams solve problems better and come up with innovations faster, and yet the IT workplace remains very homogeneous and mostly male-dominated. In this session, a panel of technical women and community leaders discusses how to bring more diversity to your teams and include more women in IT. Of course, men are welcome to join this discussion too.
Speaker: Ixchel Ruiz and others
Rich Client Java: Still Going Strong!
In this session, a panel of experts in the UI field discusses the different types of rich client technologies and frameworks: Swing, JavaFX, and HTML5. The questions to be discussed include the following: What are the differences between the technologies? Is JavaFX better than the old Java-based technologies? HTML5 or JavaFX: Which one to use? Cross-platform JavaFX: a dream coming true? What frameworks are available for the technologies? Should I migrate? How do I migrate? JSR 377: Is there still hope for a unified API? Will it change the rules of UI engagement? DukeScript, anyone? Material design on desktop and web? Does it work? Electron or similar technologies? Oracle JET? Which technology to use for which use case?
Speaker: Gerrit Grunwald and others
Karakun Voting Machines
Wenn Sie die Code One besuchen bemerken Sie sofort die Voting Machines, die am Ein-/Ausgang von jedem Raum stehen. Mittels dieser können Sie schnell und einfach Ihre Stimme für den aktuell laufenden Vortrag abgeben: drücken Sie den grünen Duke wenn Ihnen die Sessionen gefällt oder den roten wenn die Präsentation nicht Ihren Vorstellungen entspricht. Wenn der Talk „ganz ok“ war, drücken Sie einfach den gelben Duke.
Die Idee der Voting Machines stammt ursprünglich von unseren Ingenieuren. Wir sind verantwortlich für den Aufbau und den Betrieb der Voting Machines während der Code One.