PID Cockpit launched
Together with the consulting company Kompetenzzentrum Records Management (krm), we launched the PID Cockpit for identifying and cleansing personal data in heterogeneous IT landscapes. The solution based on the text analysis platform HIBU uses automated AI-based processes for identifying and extracting personal data.
On September 1, 2023, the new Swiss data privacy law will take effect. Individuals will then have the right to know what personal identifiable data (PID) companies store about it. Upon request, companies have to delete or correct this data. Thus, data protection officers, governance & compliance specialists, and HR departments in SMEs and large companies should be well prepared.
Today’s heterogeneous data storage with different data pools can make requests for information, deletion, and the identification and accessibility of personal data, a real challenge. That’s where the PID Cockpit helps:
Unlike traditional approaches, it allows direct access to affected data pools and the integration of various data sources. It offers transparency in identifying a wide range of structured and unstructured data sources that contain personal data.
By automatically locating documents and records containing sensitive personal data, companies benefit from massive time and cost savings and comply with requests for information and deletion. (Elisabeth Maier, CEO Karakun)
The PID Cockpit builds on our text analysis platform HIBU, can easily be adapted to individual customer needs and can be integrated into a wide variety of IT infrastructures. The solution searches for personal data in standard and proprietary “home-grown” solutions as long as there is an application programming interface (API) to access the data sources. The system can recognize both company and industry-specific text types and language patterns. It can be hosted on-premises and in the cloud. Finally, the PID Cockpit can also build a basis for assessing whether data storage complies with legal requirements.
The benefits of the PID Cockpit are its consistency and reproducibility.
Automated AI-based processes replace monotonous and error-prone manual work. And the identification and extraction of information are objectified. The results of the PID Cockpit are insofar resilient, reproducible and consistent. (Bruno Wildhaber, CEO of krm)

We are happy to discuss your individual requirements. Give us a call at +41 61 551 36 00 or send us an email to Or download our product brochure for a first impression.